La Sargantana offers its years of experience to help schools complement their educational curricula and to serve hiking and mountain clubs through the application of an educational and recreational developmental model for teen and youth mountain sport activities. La Sargantana also provides a fun, recreational product for summer centres to complement their regularly offered activities.
La Sargantana offers primary and secondary schools a range of interdisciplinary activities which allow students to work together in a natural setting through observation, discovery and experimentation in the spectacular and unique environment of Catalonia’s Montserrat Mountains.
The activities let students apply and experiment with the knowledge they have acquired at school in a new environment using an active and participatory approach
In this activity participants learn how to use a map and compass, how to measure an azimuth, how to look at the landscape and interpret different map scales, to understand different types of geographic coordinates, etc. Participants also gain familiarity with research and field work techniques.
Curricular areas: Natural, social and cultural environments (primary), natural sciences (compulsory secondary education - ESO)
Educational stage: Primary (intermediate and secondary cycle) and compulsory secondary education (ESO)
Season: All year
Location: Montserrat (Collbató)
Duration: Half day (duration may be extended if combined with other activities)
Type: Field and laboratory work
Materials provided: Workbook, topographic map and compass.
Description: This activity teaches orienteering skills, combining theory and practise to teach the concepts of compass use, azimuths, maps, scales, GPS and more. It includes a final section in which the participants follow an orienteering circuit using a map. Participants must find all of the waypoints marked on the map and fill in the appropriate boxes using the concepts they have learned in the workshop, all this in the beautiful Montserrat Mountains which provide the perfect setting for the intensive study of orienteering.
Caving is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to go inside the mountains which surround us and gain a better understanding of how they were formed, their morphology, and their secrets. Delving into the depths of a cave is an unforgettable experience. In the caves, participants can discover hidden places and amazing formations in the Earth’s interior like stalactites, stalagmites, underground rivers, chasms, etc.
Curricular areas: Natural, social and cultural environments (primary), natural sciences (ESO)
Educational stage: Primary (intermediate and secondary cycle) and compulsory secondary education (ESO)
Season: All year
Location: Montserrat (Collbató) and Penya Ginesa (Garraf).
Duration: 3 hours (duration may be extended if combined with other activities)
Type: Field and laboratory work
Materials provided: Workbook, topographic map and compass
Description: First, a small workshop is held on the formation of the Montserrat Mountains in the Tertiary Period. Then participants visit Cova Freda (Cold Cave) in Collbató, which extends a distance of 45 meters and where they have the chance to explore the inside of the mountain. This is a great activity for those who want to experience an introduction to caving. Although it is not an open-air activity, it provides participants with loads of incomparable personal experiences.
This is an introduction to the fascinating sport of climbing. Climbing provides huge benefits to the mental and physical condition of those who practice this excellent and safe sport. Understanding how isometric force works is very important in climbing, as is coordination, flexibility, and last but not least, concentration, which plays a critical role.
Curricular areas: Natural sciences and physical education
Educational stage: Compulsory secondary education (ESO), vocational training and higher secondary.
Season: All year, except January and February.
Location: Montserrat (Collbató) and Penya Ginesa (Garraf).
Duration: Half day.
Type: Field work.
Materials provided: Workbook, climbing equipment
Description: First, a small workshop is held on the fundamentals of climbing, the different types of rocks, anchors, materials, etc. Then, the practical section is held in a climbing area in Collbató, where participants climb different routes from 10 to 20 meters using the ‘top rope’ technique, which ensures that climbers cannot fall. Participants follow routes that match their abilities
Pulleys have been used throughout history to move heavy loads, to change the direction of force, to amplify or transmit rotational motion and more. In this activity all of these concepts are explained in a progressive manner.
Weekend activities are offered for youth groups with members from 8 to 18 years old to learn the different mountain sport disciplines. Groups are formed according to age, but also according to experience, making participating in the different alpine activities an enriching and special way to have fun with young people in the same age group. Activities include sporting techniques in the categories of climbing, mountaineering, and canyoning, with a significant added value in terms of safety and training.
Excursions are offered once a month from October to June. The season is divided into quarters with two one-day excursions and one weekend excursion offered every quarter. Activities include everything from climbing, via ferrata (mountain routes equipped with fixed cables, stemples, ladders, bridges, etc.), canyoning and caving to skiing and snowshoeing in winter.
Day camp activities provide an excellent opportunity to do things outdoors in a natural setting that are outside the ordinary and absolutely safe. Our services provide an excellent complement to those offered by day camps and include activities such as rappelling, via ferrata (mountain routes equipped with fixed cables, stemples, ladders, bridges, etc.), canyoning, hiking and multi-activity.